Self Analysis Template

Shivam Khanna
3 min readJan 25, 2020


When we are young, we do not have the mental capacity to handle certain experiences and they get submerged into our subconscious, whether that experience happened in childhood or yesterday. I realized that every external action is just an internal tendency being manifested. So, I spent the last couple of years reverse-engineering my internal state and working on myself. This sheet was integral in helping me understand myself.

I have attached the link below and here. Below is a quick rundown of the Self Analysis Template.

Goals — Short, medium, and long term personal & professional goals. List them out with the reason attached. Is this something you actually want or is it something society has conditioned into you.

WHY — Why do you do what you do? What makes you tick? Answer your Why and go seven levels deep pioneered by Dan Graziosi

Routines — We need some daily stability in this chaotic world. Set a daily routine and you will see life becoming more manageable and stable

Fear Setting — This may be the most powerful tool to reduce future anxieties. Pioneered by Tim Ferriss, this exercise saved him and is something best explained by him on his Ted Talk.

Strengths & Weaknesses — Identify your strengths and weaknesses and go through your past to find the pivotal experiences that created them. When one objectively analyzes their past, we realize that each perceived negative experience was colored by our own perspective and it creates a positive and negative trait. Objectively find each and mercilessly tear the negative trait from yourself by finding its positive counterpart and redirecting the negative trait into the positive.

Desires — What do you actually want in life? Where does it come from? How can you achieve it? One word of caution from JK “A desire is nothing but a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until that desire is achieved”

Principles — What do you believe in and want to guide your life with moving forward and Why? Ex: Honesty is a core principle because the mental agitations caused by an inauthentic life take me out of the present while simultaneously increasing my fears which caused the lie in the first place

Responsibilities — Three main areas of life that we have responsibilities towards — family & friends, work, and ourselves. Fulfill them to the best of your abilities while simultaneously understanding that not fulfilling them will lead to mental agitations causing you to not live in the present. Never run from your responsibilities as it is what gives this life more meaning and keeps you connected to society.

Wisdom — Pieces of advice that you want to live your life by Ex: 5 by 5 If it will not affect you in 5 years do not spend more than 5 minutes on it; let go of the Ego games

Traits — Pioneered by Jordan Peterson the ‘understand myself’ personality assessment is a great way to build a psychological profile of yourself if you are lost. Was fairly accurate in my case.

Ideal Self — Chart out the person you want to be and compare that individual to your actual self. Where do you envision your best self? How will you get there?!AvHcRfbCYUKWg7d7bL20icbAo03tBw?e=DqBbhG

